Renas II

Renas, based on advanced non-ablative 1550nm erbium-glass fractional laser technology, acts on skin by microscopic laser beams under the operation mode of static

stamp or dynamic rolling. Its depth of penetration with minor lesions assures approximately non-invasive therapy, and proves accurate, safe and high-effective skin

resurfacing and scars treatment with minimal downtime. Renas utilizes intelligent optical tracking system and randomized scanning technology, ensuring optimal

effect for patients.

Working Principle

Renas works by delivering multiple arrays of 1550nm microscopic laser beams to the skin, known as microscopic thermal zones. The treatment eliminates old epidermal

pigmented cells and penetrates deep into the dermis, remolding collagen with stratum with microscopic treatment zone and long term regeneration. Dermis fiber

thickens, micro wound heals quickly, skin restores smooth after several treatments, and the pigmentation risk is reduced effectively.